Expressions avec le mot LUCK - cours
with (any) luck/with a bit of luck - used for saying that you hope a particular thing happens / avec un peu de chance
a stroke of luck - when something happens or succeeds suddenly by luck / une période faste / coup de chance
be in luck - experiencing a surprisingly good situation / avoir de la chance/être dans une période faste
be out of luck - unable to have or do something that you wanted / n'avoir pas de chance / être malchanceux
beginner's luck - unusual success that you have when you start doing something new / la chance des débutants
good/bad luck - when good/bad things happen to you / porter malheur/bonheur
hard-luck story - a description of bad things that have happened to you that you tell someone in order to make them feel sorry for you / s'apitoyer sur soi-même/sur son sort
as luck would have it - by chance / par hasard/par chance
be down on your luck - having a long period of difficulty finding work and earning money / avoir la poisse/ la guigne (familier)
the best of luck (with something) - used for wishing someone good luck in something they are trying to do / souhaiter bonne chance
for luck - to do something that you think could make you lucky / pour la chance
just my (somebody's) luck - used for saying that something bad happened because you are not a lucky person / c'est bien ma chance!
the luck of the draw - the fact that chance decides something, in a way that you cannot control / question de chance
no such luck - used for saying that something good that might have happened did not happen / manque de chance/pas de chance
luck out - to be lucky / avoir de la veine/avoir de la chance
better luck next time - used to encourage somebody who has not been successful at something / vous aurez plus de chance la prochaine fois
some people have all the luck - used for saying that someone has more success than they deserve / il y en a qui ont vraiment de la chance
try/chance your luck - to try to achieve something although you know you might not succeed / tenter sa chance
take pot luck - to choose something when you do not know what you will get and can only hope that it will be good / tenter sa chance
more by luck than judgment - by chance and not because of any special skill / tout à fait par hasard
push your luck - to try too hard to get a particular result and risk losing what you have achieved / forcer sa chance/exagérer
Bonne chance!
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