13 different ways of looking |
to see: to perceive with eyes | voir | You can see a windmill in the distance. Vous pouvez voir un moulin à vent au loin. | . |
to look (at): to turn your eyes towards something so that you can see it. | regarder | Look, a falling star! Regarde, une étoile filante! | |
to watch: to look attentively, for a period time, at some activity or event. (game, television, film...) bird-watching: observation des oiseaux | regarder (un match, un film, la télé...) | At the end of the day, after a long walk, they sat on a bench and watched the sunset. A la fin de la journée, après une longue marche, ils s'assirent sur un banc et regardèrent le coucher du soleil. | |
to frown: to make an angry expresion, moving your eyebrows together. | froncer le sourcils | He frowned when I told him I didn't believe what he had said. Il fronça les sourcils lorsque je lui dis que je ne le croyais pas. | |
to blink: to shut and open your eyes quickly. | cligner des yeux | The young girl blinked as she came out into the bright sunlight. La jeune fille cligna des yeux lorsqu'elle sortit en pleine lumière. | |
to wink: to shut one eye briefly as a signal or to show that something is a joke. | faire un clin d'oeil. | She winked at me and I knew she was joking. Elle me fit un clin d'oeil et je sus qu'elle plaisantait. | |
to glance: to take a quick look at someone or something. | jeter un coup d'oeil. | She anxiously glanced around. Elle jeta un coup d'oeil inquiet autour d'elle. | |
to glimpse: to see someone or something by chance for a very short time. | entrevoir apercevoir | I glimpsed a figure at the door of the house. J'ai entrevu une silhouette à la porte de la maison. | |
to gape (at sth. / sb.) to look for a long time at something with your mouth open. | regarder bouche bée | The baby gaped in amazement at the illuminated fir tree. Le bébé stupéfait, regarda bouche bée le sapin illuminé. | |
to stare: to look fixely at someone or something. | regarder fixement | Don't stare at this old lady like that, it's not polite. Ne regarde pas fixement cette vieille dame, ce n'est pas poli. | |
to peep: to look furtively especially through small opening. (while trying not to be seen). a Peeping Tom (un voyeur) | regarder furtivement, à la dérobée. | Somebody is peeping through the blind! Quelqu'un regarde (furtivement) à travers le store! | |
to peer: to look at something or somebody with difficulty or concentration, especially when you cannot see it clearly. | regarder attentivement, scruter du regard, s'efforcer de voir.. | With his night vision binoculars Mark peered into the darkness. Avec ses jumelles de vision nocturne Mark scruta l'obscurité. | |
to squint: to look with your eyes partly closed | plisser les yeux | He squinted when he looked towards the sun. .Il plissa les yeux lorsqu'il regarda vers le soleil. | |
young bird-watcher |
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